NEVC student speaks out for a new school
Dear Editor,
I am currently a sophomore at NEVC and have attended this school all of my life. I began school in August of 1999 at the Schell City campus and if Proposition S passes my classmates and I will be the first graduating class from the new school. I love this school and couldn't imagine going anywhere else. Year after year our students compete in district, state, and even national contests and come home with top awards. In the past two years, we have received three FFA state plaques, two FBLA national championships, and countless other district and state awards. Keep in mind that these contests are not necessarily separated as to school size. In addition to awards, students come home with a great education. At Northeast Vernon County we are family. We help each other through tough times, both academically and personally. The teachers are more than willing to give aid to anyone who needs it. They go out of their way to make sure we have the best education possible.
Recently NEVC was ranked second in the 417 area by 417 Magazine. This rank was based off of graduation rates, number of advanced placement classes offered, number of dollars spent per student, student to teacher ratio, and the percentage of students who go on to college. This was a competition against both 1A and 2A schools. Based off of MSIP's accreditation standards, NEVC is accredited with 12 out of 14 possible points. These are among reasons why we should support Proposition S.
First of all I understand that this is going to increase people's property taxes. It is never been a secret that the taxes will increase. Many people seem to be confused about the facts. The 94 cent tax levy is the worst case scenario. It is going to cost more money to fix our old school than to build a new one. If people are so concerned about their money why not use the same amount to buy a new school rather than just fix the old one. We don't need to just mask the problems and wait until conditions get worse. If a new car costs $20,000 and a used one costs the same amount, you're not going to buy the old one are you? Also, the tax levy is only temporary, and will eventually be paid off. Interest rates are at an all time low and this is a great time to invest in our school. This building, like our current ones have, will last for many years to come.
A new school to students at NEVC means a school where ceilings don't leak every time it rains, where stairs don't creak so loudly that it disrupts learning in classrooms, a school where the temperature is controlled and doesn't waste energy trying to heat it, a school where the computer server stays up and running and doesn't go offline at least once a week, a school that is handicap accessible, a safe place for students to learn.
Everyone has different opinions but the purpose of this proposition is to better our learning environment. It is okay to have your own opinion but when it comes to degrading our students, faculty, teachers and administration, that's crossing the line. Before you cast your ballot, think about the positive impact this would have for our students. Although the buildings are 80 years old and in bad need of replacement, the buildings do not make a school, the students make up a school. We are the real reason to vote yes for Proposition S.
Morgan Haddix
NEVC student