Tigers struggle at Pittsburg

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Nevada Tigers golf team hit the greens once again as they traveled to Crestwood Country Club for the Pittsburg Invitational tournament Tuesday.

Of the 11 teams in attendance for the tournament, the Tigers finished ninth with an overall team score of 411. The Panthers of St. Mary's Colgan Catholic School won the tournament with a final total of 336.

Alex Christensen was the only member of the Tigers team to break 100 on the day as he finished the par-72 course in 84 strokes. Justin Carter was 16 strokes behind as he finished at an even 100, followed by Trevor Landis at 106, Ty Peckman at 121 and Taylor Handly at 132. Colgan's Kelley Thompson posted the overall best score of 76.

The next outing for the Tigers is scheduled for Wednesday, April 21, when they head to Carthage Municipal Golf Course for the Sonic/Carthage High School Golf Invitational.

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