Saving Riley: Three local men perform CPR on 16-month-old crash victim

FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Three local residents became heroes Friday morning after saving the life of a 16 month old girl trapped underwater.
Jesse Durbin was working at Fort Scott Livestock Market, Inc., when he heard an accident in the area followed by a woman screaming for help shortly after 9 a.m. He and coworker Mandy Shoemaker got in a utility vehicle to go offer help while another coworker, Steve Wade, called 911.
Durbin found the Pontiac G6 driven by Kylene Palmer, 34, lying on its roof in about 5 feet of water on the north side of Maple Road. Palmer and daughter Sadie Marchiano, 18, were able to exit the car; but another daughter, 16-month-old Riley Marchiano, was trapped underwater, still in her child safety seat. Palmer told Durbin the baby was still in the car and Durbin took action.
"I saw what was going on, and I took action, I guess," Durbin said. "I went in there to see what I could do ... I don't know what happened; but I hit the seat belt just right; and the baby ended up in my arms; and I got her pulled out of there."
Durbin said Riley was underwater for about four minutes.
Right after Durbin and Shoemaker arrived, Fort Scott residents Pat Farrell and John Keating arrived to perform CPR. Farrell was hauling cattle when Shoemaker flagged him down. Riley was handed over to Farrell who performed CPR and got the water out of her lungs. He said Riley was not breathing before he started CPR.
"(Riley) was deceased and passed when we got there," Farrell said. "Mister Keating showed up, gave (Riley) mouth-to-mouth, and I kept doing CPR ... thank the good Lord that (Riley) came back with us."
Keating, who lives near the scene of the accident, is a firefighter for the Fort Scott Fire Department and was off duty at the time. Keating was unavailable for comment.
After emergency personnel arrived, Riley was taken to Mercy Health Center and later transported to Children's Mercy Hospital. Durbin said the family notified him that Riley was doing well.
"I'm glad I was there when I was there," Durbin said. "Everything worked out at the right time, we all showed up at the right time."
Farrell, a bus driver for USD 234, said he never believed he would have to use CPR.
"I've never been in that situation," he said. "I never dreamed that some of that stuff you learn and study in class will come into practice some day."
According to the preliminary investigation by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office, Palmer was traveling west on Maple Road, west of Fort Scott Livestock Market, Inc., when the vehicle dropped off the shoulder on the right side.
Palmer then over-corrected to the left causing the vehicle to slide. The vehicle then slid off the road on the right side and struck the culvert which caused the vehicle to overturn and fall about 10 feet into the standing water.
Durbin said Palmer's family contacted him and said Riley was doing well and that Palmer suffered a cut on her hand.
He said Sadie was uninjured.