Relief from the heat: KCPL donates fans to local service agency

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
KCP&L OFFERS ASSISTANCE DURING HEAT WAVE Employees donate fans to local community agencies

Nevada Daily Mail

Last week, employee volunteers from Kansas City Power and Light donated fans to area community agencies throughout KCP&L service territory. On Wednesday, June 23, KCP&L donated 30 fans to the West Central Action Agency. The fans are distributed by the agency on a first-come, first-served basis.

"KCP&L is committed to improving life in the communities we serve, and we want to do our part to help during this hot weather," said Ronda Watts, KCP&L east and southeast district manager. "In addition to providing fans to local agencies, we want our customers to be aware of many steps they can take to keep their homes cooler and help protect themselves during these intense temperatures."

During extreme temperatures KCP&L contacts all qualifying medical and elderly customers to ensure that they are safe and have appropriate contact numbers for emergency situations. For more information about the company's medical customer program, please call our Customer Care Center at (888) 471-5275.

During periods of extreme hot weather, customers can:

* Seek a cool public place, such as a library or mall if they do not have an air conditioning system or fan. Customers can call United Way 2-1-1 for assistance or more information about public cooling centers.

* Close window shades, blinds, drapes and curtains whenever the sun is shining through the window to reduce warming in the home.

* Open up unused rooms. The central air conditioning system will work more efficiently.

* Do laundry, wash dishes, mop floors and bathe in late evening or early morning hours. These activities produce moisture and increase humidity in the house, making the air conditioner work harder and less efficiently.

* Use a microwave whenever possible since it uses less electricity and creates less heat than a conventional oven.

For more tips about how to stay cool and save energy during this heat wave, please visit

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