Area students named to University of Arkansas Dean's List

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nevada Daily Mail

Area students on the Dean's List at University of Arkansa were recently announced.

Students on the dean's list represent the top 10 percent of students in their college, enrolled in 12 or more hours during the semester. All students on the chancellor's list are automatically on their college's dean's list as well.

A law student must earn a 3.0 grade point average for the semester and be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours to qualify for the Law School dean's list.

Dean's List:

Jessica Long, Marketing, Senior, Nevada.

Alyssa McCall, Pre-Nursing, Freshman, Nevada.

Taylor Welston, Pre-Nursing, Freshman, Butler.

Kirby Weston, Chemistry, Senior, Butler.

Blaine Nims, Music, freshman, Lamar.

Sherise Martin, Food and Human Nutrition, Senior, Fort Scott.

Logan Payne, Biology, Senior, Fort Scott.

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