Golf course clubhouse gets shady amenity

Friday, July 30, 2010

In the future, golfers at the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course in Nevada will be able to relax on the patio and enjoy a soft drink and snack in the shade of a new roof, instead of soaking up the summer sun.

"We heard that a lot of people want the patio east of the clubhouse covered," Richard Johnson, senior league president, told the parks board members during the regular monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon.

"We asked (our members) for suggestions for what we could do with the money we had from our tournaments. Thirty-four members said they would like to buy a cover for the patio," Johnson said.

He told the board that the cover they propose to buy is metal and, although it will be bolted to the concrete patio, it can be moved.

He told the board that the cover will be longer than the patio, so the patio will need to be extended so there will be a concrete pad to anchor the cover. It will also be narrower than the existing patio, which leaves an area for a grill that is not under the cover.

Robin McHugh, park and recreation director, said that city crews could add on to the patio.

The money for the cover comes from proceeds from their tournament held June 10 and previous years tournaments.

"The great thing about the senior men and women golfers is that they do a lot of great things at the golf course," Ray Crawford, course manager, said.

"This will be a very nice addition," Jeff Post, park board chairman, said after the board voted unanimously to accept the offer.

McHugh told the board that they are in the process of making improvements to the Tot-Lot at Spring Street Park. The work will include building a barrier to divert some of the water that runs down the hill and washes through the play area. They also plan to use some plastic fencing made locally by Green Forest Engineered Products.

She said that the park department may use some of Green Forest's products to make benches and picnic tables in other areas of the city parks.

"We're trying to make it more user friendly," she said.

"Next year we'll mulch the entire area and put a picnic table in the area," she said.

Green Forest Engineered Products makes products that are a blend of plastic and sawdust.

McHugh also told the board that Samantha Gilmore started a three new six-week long exercise classes on July 26. This time the classes include Sunrise Jump Start, which is a boot-camp style class that meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6 to 6:45 a.m. There is also a zumba class on Mondays and Wednesdaysm from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.; and a core conditioning class that focuses on strengthening the muscles in the pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen, from 6:30 to 7 p.m., on Mondays and Wednesdays.

McHugh said that they are also planning to have several yoga classes during September, which is National Yoga Month.

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