
Hot topics on tap

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I hope everyone in this area has air conditioning -- or lots of ice. Everyone complains about the weather, but I have less reason to complain than most. My home is air conditioned, my car is air conditioned and my job is in an air conditioned building. I have it good!

That doesn't keep me from complaining about the heat as I walk the short distance from my car to my job or home. OK, I'm spoiled. When I see people out working -- hard physical labor work -- in 105 degree or higher heat index, I wilt. I do not know how they survive!

My son, who spent over a year in Las Vegas always laughs and says, "At least Vegas is a dry heat -- even at 115 it felt cooler than here."

Vegas is a dry heat. I wonder about southern California, Texas, Georgia, and Mississippi. Is it a dry heat there?

I saw on television about grape growers in the south talking about not being able to hire "American" workers to pick grapes. They indicated that if they didn't have foreign workers (legal or not) they would not get their grapes harvested. One farmer said he had been in the business more than 15 years and had never had a single American apply for a job.

There are a lot of American's out of work. Still, there are a lot of us too addicted to our air conditioners to work all day picking grapes in the heat (wet or dry). It's hard to believe unemployed people wouldn't be willing to work for their living at any available job. But then again, maybe they would do the work if the pay was enough to live on.

But what do I know? I've never been unemployed, worked in the outdoors all day, or picked grapes.

I worry about animals too. I've driven past some farm ponds that were covered with green scum. If these ponds were the cattle or sheep or horses of that farm's only water source, I don't know how they survived. My dog and cat are as spoiled as I am. They won't drink water more than a day old. They won't eat food that's set out for more than an hour. Spoiled -- just spoiled. And yes, they are used to the air conditioning and won't stay outside in the heat.

How many of you work outside all day? How many of you work at jobs indoors with no air conditioning? You all have my admiration.

How many of your have no job at all? You have my sympathy.

Speaking of heat -- don't forget to vote Tuesday. We have some hot races to pick a winner for.

Here's where democracy starts and thrives or dies friends -- in our local elections. Let's not drop the ball. Vote and be proud that you did. Wear that "yes I voted" sticker for all to see. Voters will keep America strong. Remember, if you don't vote -- and others do -- their voices will be heard -- their decisions will be law and you will have to abide by their choices. Don't stand apart -- be a part of America and let your voice be heard.

Besides, it's not that far from the air conditioned car to the voting booth. We can do this!