2010 Reunion committee partners with chamber

Saturday, July 31, 2010


The 2010 All-Classes Reunion steering committee is pleased to announce it has partnered with the Nevada Vernon County Chamber of Commerce in preparation for this year's fall celebration.

"It's a natural union," said committee chairperson Jeff Tweten. "If people want to know what's happening in Nevada or Vernon County, it's the Chamber that receives the first call."

Beginning Monday, Aug. 2, walk-in registration and information for this year's two-day event will be available at the local offices in the Carnegie Building, 225 West Austin Boulevard, Suite 200. On-line registration at www.hometownreunion.com/nevada (all lower case) and mail-in registration will soon follow.

Chamber of commerce employees and volunteers, as well as tourism staff, will be trained to answer any and all questions relating to the festivities planned for Friday, Oct. 15 and Saturday, Oct. 16. Telephone inquires can be made by calling (417) 448-0360 or (417) 667-5300.

The reunion committee is still searching for up-to-date class member lists to be added to the expanding data base. Those who are in charge of your class list, or know who is, please call the number above for instruction. Committee members hope to receive the existing class information in a digital format, but if all that is available is contact information on paper, please fax your list to (253) 590-2875.

The steering committee is also asking for help in letting family, friends, classmates, neighbors, teachers and administrators know about this every-five-year event. Those in the know are encouraged to spread the word through social networking sites, a phone call or a letter to former NHS graduates.

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