Council hears a report on city hall remodel in progress

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

By Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada City Hall is being remodeled again. This time, the changes are being made to make the city administration more available to the public, instead of hiding them behind locked doors as was done several years ago.

"We're trying to make my office and that of the senior staff accessible to the public," City Manager JD Kehrman, told the Nevada City Council during Tuesday's regular meeting.

Part of the remodeling involved tearing down the recently erected wall at the west end of the lobby of the city hall.

Kehrman said that they plan to re-open the south door on the city hall shortly, which will provide direct access off the parking lot again.

In addition to making the city administration accessible again, he asked the council to review his nine-point plan, titled, "Your City at your Service" to upgrade the level of customer service provided by city staff.

Kehrman also asked the council to review a packet outlining what economic development incentives the city can offer for businesses or individuals and what information the city will need from them to receive any assistance. He said this is similar to what he did in Bowling Green.

In other business the council:

* Voted 4-0 to give final approval to a general ordinance changing the number of package liquor licenses from the current seven to nine, based on each 1,000 persons living in Nevada. Currently the number of package licenses is based on each 1,200 persons in Nevada. Nevada Mayor Jayne Novak was excused.

* Voted 4-0 to approve a traveled portion of right-of-way solicitors license for the Nevada Firefighters Local 3031 to operate their annual bootblock at the intersection of Osage and Austin boulevards for the Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon on Sept. 3 - 6, from 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. each day.

* Voted 4-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance adopting and reenacting the city's financial conflict of interest disclosure reporting regulations as required by state statue. This applies to any municipality with an annual budget over $1 million.

* Voted 4-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving a settlement agreement with T-Mobile for business taxes. The city has been part of a class action lawsuit and Nevada will receive $9,016.16 upon the final passage of this ordinance and completion of a claim form.

* Voted 4-0 to finalize the zoning change for property at the northwest corner of Commercial and Lee streets from R-1, single family, to R-2, two-family dwelling district, so property owner Doug Gammon can build a duplex on the property.

* Voted 4-0 to pass on second reading a general ordinance giving the city manager authorization to post smoking restrictions on designated city property.

* Voted 4-0 to give final approval to a special ordinance approving up to $25,000 additional policing services for the Nevada Housing Authority from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011. The Housing Authority will provide office space and reimburse the city for salary and mileage.

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