PASS to mark smoke free zones at MSSU

Saturday, August 28, 2010

JOPLIN, Mo. -- The Peers Against Secondhand Smoke (PASS) student organization at Missouri Southern State University, will gather at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 31, to bring awareness to the 50 foot perimeter smoke free zones around buildings on campus. Students wishing to help chalk and paint these areas can meet at the flagpole for instructions and supplies.

The Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy as stated in the handbook is as follows:

"The Board of Governors of Missouri Southern State University prohibits smoking and tobacco use of any kind. Tobacco products are not permitted in any campus buildings. Smoking and other tobacco usage is only permitted outside of buildings, not less than 50 feet from any entrance."

"We want everyone on campus to be aware of the smoke free zones," said Jared Myers, representing the PASS group.

Heather Arnold, Director of Aquatics and Wellness said, "The chalking effort is not about telling people they can or cannot smoke, but about keeping the smoke away from those who don't want to be harmed by it. These people do not want to walk through a smoke cloud to get to their destinations," Arnold stated.

Ken Kennedy, Chief of Campus Police and Director of the Department of Public Safety added, "Our department will assist in any way possible to educate students about the tobacco policy and to improve student health on campus."

For additional information regarding Peers Against Secondhand Smoke, the smoking policy on campus or to sign up as an MSSU student for the event, contact the Clean Air Project Office at (417) 659-5492.

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