Filing closes for rural school board seats

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ballots are set for April 5 school board elections at Sheldon, Northeast Vernon County and Bronaugh, officials reported Wednesday.

With the passing of the 5 p.m. Tuesday filing deadline, all races are competitive, particularly in the Sheldon R-8 district, where Joanne Dedrick and Lloyd Hall are opposing incumbents Gene Leininger, Bill Nance and Sam Castlebury for three seats.

Sheldon school board members whose terms are not expiring are Marlene Moran, Michelle Claflin, Julie Casey and Jerod Lamb.

Sheldon's municipal politics are also looking lively with Mayor Robert Sewell wanting another term while challengers Debbie Huggins and James Quist give him competition for a new two-year stint.

John Scifers is contesting incumbent Sheldon Aldermen Robert Moran and Joshua Lamb with the two top vote-getters winning seats.

In the Walker-based R-1 district, two incumbents and two challengers are going for three seats on the Northeast Vernon County School Board.

NEVC Board President Bob Haddix decided against seeking another three-year term after serving since 1997, but incumbents Robert Fox and Jeanne Hoagland stepped back into the breach, challenged by Bill Alexander and David Highfill.

The three most popular candidates on April 5 will go into office with R-1 holdovers Dennis Vantellman, David Bruce, Roger Dade and Andy Hays.

With seven hopefuls for three openings, the toughest ballot may be in the Bronaugh R-7 district, where incumbents John Houk and Andy Brannon are opposed by Justin McFarland, Saundra Bogart, Ryan Linn, Brent Banes and Julie Mader.

Longtime board member Warren Langford didn't seek re-election.

Bronaugh directors Chris Baker, Jeremy Weaver, Chris Arens and David Reedy are not up for re-election this spring.

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