Nevada youth gets special birthday haircut

Donald Pickering, 11, of Nevada sits patiently while Patrick Ogle of the Niles Hair Salon cuts the long hair it took Pickering two years to grow. Pickeriing saw a commercial on TV with some children who had no hair because they were undergoing cancer treatment. "I felt sorry for them," he said. He asked his mother if he could grow his hair long for the Locks of Love program which uses the hair to make wigs for cancer patients. His mother Cathey Cline told him he could as long as he kept it clean, "and he has," Cline said. Ogle will send the 10 inches of hair he cut from Pickering's head to the Locks of Love program in Florida where he said they would use it to make as many as two or three children's wigs. Pickering had the hair cut on his 11th birthday, Thursday, Feb. 17.