NEVC boys, girls fall to Montrose, boys win in Homecoming game

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Northeast Vernon County Knights were on the road once again Wednesday, Feb. 16, to take on the Montrose Blue Jays. In the boys game the Knights struggled to get anything going and were downed by a score of 57 - 38. Leading the Knights in scoring was Grant Davis with 15 and Jacob Bell with 8. Above, senior Sam Jones guards his opponent. Friday was the long-awaited and much-postponed Homecoming game, and the Knights gained a victory over the Eagles, 77-59, in a fast-paced contest.

In the girls game, the Lady Jays dominated once again on the 16th, with a final score of 108-28. Leading in points for the Lady Knights was Camille Buttorff with 16. Above, a Lady Jay tries to get past sophomore Payton Hays. On Friday, NEVC's Lady Knights were defeated by the Calhoun Eagles, 55-48 in a hard-fought game.

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