Love for Lanie: Rib dinner to help family of sick child
El Dorado Springs, Mo. -- Recently diagnosed with a malignant tumor, 2-year-old Lanie Watkins of El Dorado Springs is now recovering from brain surgery. Those who are interested in assisting her family with the astronomical cost of caring for a sick child are encouraged to participate in the Love for Lanie benefit carry-out dinner.
Savory, smoked baby-back-ribs with baked beans and slaw would make a delicious meal for two to three people, while helping the Watkins family with their expenses.
This carry-out meal will be served on Sunday, April 3, from 11:30 a.m to 1 p.m., at the school's bus ramp at 901 S. Park Street in El Dorado Springs. Tickets are $25 and should be purchased in advance. To purchase a ticket or for more information, contact Carol at (417) 876-3112, ext. 233 or (417) 296-4544.