Farmers of the Year

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Carey and Diane McNeil of Bronaugh were named Grassland Farmers of the Year at Friday night's Soil & Water Conservation District dinner. They are raising 150 cattle on 450 acres. With them is National Resource Conservation Service Board Treasurer Kerry Fowler of Sheldon.

Two well-known area couples were honored as the Vernon County Soil & Water Conservation District's most outstanding producers of 2010-'11.

Some 200 people watched and then applauded as Everett and Ruby Forkner of Richards were recognized as "Conservation Farmers of the Year" and Carey and Diane McNeil of Bronaugh as "Grassland Farmers of the Year."

The families also were given American flags that had flown over the Missouri Capitol by State Rep. Barney. Fisher, who attended the March 25 dinner in the Vernon County fairgrounds home economics building.

National Resource Conservation Service Board Vice Chairman Wade Rapp of Schell City said Forkner Farms, operating a variety of agricultural enterprises on 2,000 acres, has been an exemplary practitioner of sound conservation since 1974 .

NRCS Board Treasurer Kerry Fowler of Sheldon lauded the McNeils by saying their cow-calf operation of 150 head on 450 acres maintains a perfect balance among the imperatives of forage, cattle and profit.

Ruby Forkner and her husband Everett of Richards won Conservation Farmers of the Year recognition at last week's Soil & Water Conservation District Dinner at the Vernon County fairgrounds. Forkner's husband was unable to attend. With her is National Resource Conservation Service Board Vice Chairman Wade Rapp of Schell City.

"Once again, I see a lot of work and good ideas," Fowler said.

Participants also saw 20 youngsters display their entries in the annual poster contest.

First place in each of the two competitions was worth $25 and a trip to the SWC statewide contest. Second place winners received $22; third place winners received $20; fourth place winners received $18; and fifth place winners received $15.

Third grade winners in order from first through 10th place were: Dacy Turner, Landon Murphy, Dalton Bates and Gage Engelbrecht, all of Nevada, Joy Nichols of Bronaugh, Tristan Butler of Nevada, Katrina Gilpen of Schell City, Braxton Rocco of Bronaugh, Alayna Best of Nevada and Mahalia Swink of Sheldon.

The top 10 fourth graders were Andrew Kapas and Spencer Hawkins of Nevada, Paige Wait of Bronaugh, Emme Smith of Nevada, Mattie Earnest of Bronaugh and Justin Guy, Beth Plunkett, Kiersten Diamond, Sami Fate and Amara Pippen of Nevada.

Winners of the third grade poster contest at the Soil & Water Conservation District Dinner were, front row from left, Dacy Turner, Nevada, first place; Landon Murphy, Nevada, second; Dalton Bates, Nevada, third; Gage Engelbrecht, Nevada, fourth; and back row, Joy Nichols, Bronaugh, fifth; Katrina Gilpen, NEVC, seventh; Braxton Rocco, Bronaugh, eighth; Alayna Best, Nevada, ninth; and Mahalia Swink, Sheldon, 10th. Not pictured is sixth place winner Tristan Butler of Nevada.

Before a dinner of fried chicken and trimmings, landowners were asked to cast ballots for candidates to succeed Rapp and Fred Feldmann of Deerfield on the Conservation District Board of Supervisors.

Officials announced as the event was being concluded that Robbie Lefevre of Bronaugh and Justin Ogle of Nevada had been elected, joining Chairman Wayne Harth of Richards, Secretary Pat Miller of Nevada and Fowler on the panel. The masters of ceremonies were District Administrative Clerk Rocky Steiger and Technician Anthony Wolfe.

Fourth grade poster winners at the Soil & Water Conservation District Dinner were, front row from left, Andrew Kapas, Nevada, first place; Spencer Hawkins, Nevada, second; Paige Wait, Bronaugh, third; Emme Smith, Nevada, fourth; back row, Mattie Earnest, Bronaugh, fifth; Justin Guy, Nevada, sixth; Kiersten Diamond, Nevada, eighth; Sami Fate, Nevada, ninth; and Amara Pippen, Nevada, 10th. Not shown is seventh place winner Beth Plunkett of Nevada.
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