Officer Hanson visits Head Start

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Nevada Police Officer Brian Hansen shows Head Start students a coloring book about safety.

Officer Brian Hansen came to visit the children at the Nevada Head Start Center March 24 and 25. Hansen and other members of the Nevada Police Department spent their time explaining the different aspects of a day in the life of a police officer. They offered hands-on experiences for the kids by showing them fingerprinting techniques, displaying different vests that police officers wear and explaining why they wear them. The officers topped their presentation off with showing the children the police cars, lights, and sirens. They also taught the children what to do if they were lost or in trouble and how to call 9-1-1. The children really enjoyed the experience of meeting and interacting with the police officers, Head Start staff members noted. Hansen also presented the children with a coloring book and badge stickers.

Any organizations or groups who wish to have a police officer come and speak at their facility or event are encouraged to contact the Nevada Police Department by calling (417) 448-2710.

Nevada Head Start students gather for a peek inside a police cruiser during a visit by Nevada Police Officers to the facility, where the officers told students about the lives of police officers and delivered a safety message.
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