Donkey basketball event offers head-over-heels fun for all
Thursday, April 21, 2011

At left, two donkeys seem to be sharing a secret during the event ... could they have planned the upsets that followed, like the overhead maneuver at right?

On Tuesday, more than 150 people crowded into the Northeast Vernon County High School gymnasium for a donkey basketball game filled with spills and thrills benefitting the Future Business Leaders of America. who donned red helmets in the first game, when they took on the Donkey Dodgers in blue helmets. The first game was won by the FBLA 5-4. Game 2 was the Muleskinners in red against the Tail Twisters in blue. The Muleskinners won 11-6. Consolation and championship games followed a half-time that included free donkey rides for children ages 12 and younger.

In the thick of the competition Tuesday night, LouAnn Majors attempts a shot for the red team.

Above, the duo of donkeys still seem to have something sinister in mind, but their riders don't seem worried. Could Sarah Moyers, left, and Caleb Bell know something the other riders don't?