Volunteers plant Arbor Day trees
Students with the Nevada High School's Students Helping Our Community organization plant a white pine tree in front of the Nevada Housing Authority's Crawford House at 1117 N. West St., in observance of National Arbor Day, April 29. Members of S.H.O.C. applied for and were awarded a grant through Disney that provided the group with 55 seedlings. Many of the trees are going to be utilized by the Parks and Recreation Board, each member of S.H.O.C. received one and some have been provided to community members. The group and Housing Authority maintenance personnel also planted a seedling at Fairground Estates on Friday. Kneeling, left to right: Aaron Funk and Charles Steele. Standing, from left to right: Heather Gordon, Micah Orr, Taylor McKlintic, Rick Fast, Dan Barnett, and Dan Lukasik.