Council extends Kehrman's contract

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Nevada City Council voted 4-0, with James McKenzie excused, to give preliminary approval to a special ordinance giving JD Kehrman a three-year contract as city manager, with an annual salary of $92,172.08.

"We have expectations that we want the city manager to fulfill and a multi-year contract would help to fulfill these goals," Mayor Brian Leonard said.

"This would be the best fit for our city at this point," he said.

McKenzie, who was out of town at a conference, said in a written statement, "I have reviewed the contract in detail and found it to be satisfactory."

In addition to his salary, Kehrman's contract includes a $75 monthly allowance for cell phone and a vehicle allowance of $500 per month "to purchase, lease, or own, operate and maintain a vehicle." All insurance costs are Kehrman's responsibility. In addition, the city will reimburse him "at the IRS standard mileage rate for any business use of the vehicle beyond the corporate limits of the city of Nevada."

If Kehrman voluntarily resigns he must give the city 45 days notice, unless everyone agrees otherwise. If he is fired, the city of Nevada will pay him a minimum lump sum severance payment of six months' salary. The city will also pay to continue health insurance for Kehrman and any dependents, vehicle allowance and any other standard employee benefits.

In other business the council:

* Voted 4-0 to accept a bid of $43,500 from Victor L. Phillips for a 2009 Dynapac used roller for the public works department. They will take the city's worn out roller in trade.

* Voted 4-0 to accept a bid of $2.20 per gallon, or a total cost of $24,480, for 12,000 gallons of CSS-1A slurry oil from Coastal Energy Oil, Springfield for the city's street slurry program. This price is guaranteed until Sept. 30, 2011. The total cost of the oil is not to exceed $25,000.

* Voted 4-0 to accept an estimated bid of $16,561, and not to exceed total cost of $20,000, from Turner Diesel, Joplin, for repairs to the city's Case 855D Crawler. Kehrman told the council that the high cost of repairs is due to lack of maintenance in the past.

* Voted 4-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance accepting the $199,100 bid from APAC-Missouri Inc., Springfield, for installing 5,600 linear feet of curb and gutter and 2,200 tons of bituminous surface, for the 2011 street reconstruction program.

* Voted 4-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving change order No. 1 to the city's contract with Boyd Painting to cover the cost of using a different caulking for the sandblasting and repainting of Walton pool. The different caulk is needed because of the chlorine content of the water in the pool. The additional $3,135 brings the total cost of the project to $60,135, which is still less than the second lowest bid.

* Voted 4-0 to five final approval to a special ordinance setting the rural fire membership fees for the period of July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. The rates are to remain unchanged from last year.

* Voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution No. 1322 to approve Nevada membership in the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission at a cost of 20 cents per capita, or a total of $1,677.20 for the period of July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

* Voted 4-0 to approve a request for a proclamation recognizing National Police Week.

* Voted 4-0 to approve a request for a proclamation recognizing EMS Week.

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