MoDOT public meeting set for June 1

Friday, May 27, 2011

More than 80 community briefings across the state are now under way and additional briefings are being scheduled to explain the Missouri Department of Transportation's recently announced plan to reduce staff, facilities and equipment. The right-sizing actions will save $512 million that will be used for vital road and bridge projects.

MoDOT Director Kevin Keith presented the plan, called a Bolder Five-Year Direction, to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission last week. It includes reducing the department's staff by 1,200, closing 135 facilities (including district offices in Joplin, Macon and Willow Springs) and selling more than 740 pieces of equipment to meet this goal.

The briefings will be held throughout May, leading up to June 8 when MHTC commissioners are expected to take final action on the plan.

In Vernon County, a meeting will be conducted June 1, at 1:30 p.m., at the Vernon County Courthouse. The meetings are open to the public.

The complete list of community briefings can be found at People who are unable to attend a community briefing may participate in the discussion through an online community briefing at

The online meeting will be conducted through June 3.

Interested individuals can also comment through the online comment form located at, send an e-mail to, call 1-888-ASK MODOT (1-888-275-6636) or write to MoDOT, Central Office, 105 W. Capitol Ave., P.O. Box 270, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0270. A

ll comments from the public received during this month-long process will be shared with MoDOT leadership and commission members prior to June 8.

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