Schowe-N-Shine brings Habitat $7,000

The Nevada Area Habitat for Humanity has derived a record $7,000 from the Fifth Annual Schowe-N-Shine Car Show.
Habitat Treasurer Darryl Wright said Tuesday that the May 21 event outside Dr. Ronald Schowengerdt's dental office at 1701 W. Austin Blvd. topped last year's exhibition by $3,000.
"It's our biggest fundraiser," Wright said. "The only other one is our monthly potato bar on the second Wednesday from September through May in the First Christian Church Fellowship Hall."
Wright said the show's 47 cars, trucks and motorcycles were also its largest number yet.
The 50-50 Pot raffle winner was Bob Burns, who split the proceeds with the Hab Center.
Logan Stewart won the Smile Club Giveaway, Lyn Brock the People's Choice Award for her "Pink Warrior" 2008 Mustang, Bob Barnes Best Car of 1949 and Earlier with his 1939 Chevrolet Coupe and Mark Porter Best Car 1950-69 with a '68 Mustang while Tim Holmes and Bob Ryan tied for Best Car 1970-89 with their '72 Chevelle and '72 Gran Torino.
Doug Chrisenbery had the Best Car 1989 to Present with a 2011 Camaro, Frank and Pat Arnold Best Truck 1966 and Earlier with their '51 Ford F-1, Kerry Schulze Best Truck 1967 to Present with his '72 Chevy C-10 and Angie Nichols Best Motorcycle with an '03 Honda Shadow.
With Max Motors as corporate sponsor, National TV Sales & Rental donated a washer-dryer for the next Habitat home.
Event sponsors included Corey Johnson of CMJ Financial Center, Wes Knell of State Farm Insurance, Monte Curtis of Curtis & Sons Realty, Brent Ernsbarger of Ernsbarger's Heating & Cooling, Lee Day of Cherry Street Grill, Ring TV & Appliance and Greg Magette of First Pacific Corp.