Non-livestock projects exhibited

Friday, July 15, 2011
Michael Hartman, 10, explains how he constructed his non-livestock project on display in the home economics building at the Vernon County fairgrounds Wednesday. His dad helped with the measuring and cutting of the board, and he used tools to cut the target lines, sanded, put the words and markings on the board, and cut out the holes in the middle of each "target" where the bullets go.
Michael has been in 4-H for two years and says he's already planning an even better project for next year's fair. Each year there are many entries in the non-livestock categories, with projects in all sorts of fields, such as cooking, sewing, animal care and science-related projects, woodworking, computers, photography and much more.

Some entries were small in size, like Mary Ann Schlueter's brownies.
Other entries were much bigger, like Kyla Russell's tractor flower box. Several of the entries also will be exhibited at upcoming district and state fairs.
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