Vernon County Youth Fair ends with weekend fun

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Katie Woods takes her turn at mutton busting Friday night at the annual Little Britches Rodeo at the Vernon County Youth Fair. The youth fair wrapped up on Saturday with a variety of events, including the annual barbecue held Saturday afternoon, Special Kids, Special Animals in the morning, a pet show for children (featured below) in the afternoon, events wrapping up one of the fair's newest activities, a stockman's challenge; and culminating in the annual Vernon County Youth Fair livestock auction Saturday night. Look for more photos, results and more in upcoming issues of the Nevada Daily Mail. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail.

Two-year-old Jace Duncan takes the microphone while Carol Parmeter interviews him during the Clover Kids Pet Show. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail.
Carol Parmeter takes a close look at 6 year-old Cole Burch's chicken during the Clover Kids Pet show, held Saturday afternoon in the pavilion at the Vernon County fairgrounds. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail.
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