Tough at home

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nevada Daily Mail

NEVADA-- The Nevada High School girls tennis team rolled to a 9-0 win over College Heights on Saturday morning in the team's first home date of the season.

The Tigers won every match of the day, singles and doubles.

And they won every match in convincing fashion.

At number-one singles, Nevada's Leah Creasy topped Ashton Gilliam 8-1.

Regan Kimbrough won 8-1 at number-two singles over Rachel Hardy.

Alexa Cubbage won the number-three singles match 8-0 over Abby Mansley and teammate Brandi Perrin handled Lindsey Conner 8-0 at number-four singles.

Jessica DeCocq beat Rosie Stewart 8-1 at number-five singles for NHS, and Lauren Phillips defeated Olivia Conroy 8-3 in the number-six singles bracket.

As far as doubles, Creasy and Kimbrough defeated Hardy and Gilliam 8-2 at number-one doubles.

Cubbage and DeCocq handled Mansley and Stewart 8-1 at number-two doubles and Perrin and Phillips had little trouble in knocking off Conner and Conroy, as the Tigers duo won 8-0.

Nevada (2-2) traveled to Carthage on Tuesday.

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