NRMC Foundation to host Aloha! Gala
Rare occasions in Nevada present the opportunity to dress up, enjoy fine dining and extraordinary entertainment, save a wedding here and there.
Of course, that is with the exception of the NRMC Foundation annual gala. Last year, the Foundation hosted the Red Carpet Gala, with the highest attendance since its beginning in 2006. The purpose of the gala is to recognize outstanding contribution to the service of Nevada Regional Medical Center as well as to raise funds for the Foundation focus of the year.
The Red Carpet Gala, held last October, raised $11,510 toward the Foundation's 2010 capital project of purchasing a new infant security system for the maternity department.
This year's Hawaiian-themed event will feature peer-nominated awards that will be presented to employee, director and physician of the year. The event will be held at the Nevada Elks bingo hall on Saturday, Oct. 8, beginning at 6 p.m. Nevada Elks members generously donated the use of the Elks hall to the Foundation to help offset the cost of the event.
All proceeds from the Aloha! Gala are earmarked for the purchase of two all-wheel drive vehicles for NRMC Home Health and Hospice patients.
The Aloha! Gala will include a social hour, fine dining, an award ceremony, hula dancers, a themed photo booth and a band.
Tickets will be available through September from the Foundation office. Guests also may register online at Sponsorship opportunities also are available.
For more information, call (417) 448-3609.