Boy hurt when mattress, boy fall from car; woman arrested

Friday, September 30, 2011

On Tuesday Sept. 27, Michelle L. Koutz, 29, was taken into custody by Nevada police after detectives learned of an injury caused to a 9-year-old boy who was in her care.

A press release issued Thursday by the Nevada Police Department said that, according to a report from Sgt. Jeff Baker, Koutz was attempting to transport a mattress by placing the item on top of her car, a 1995 Chevrolet Lumina. The boy, who was not identified in the release, was reportedly lying on top of the mattress in order to hold it in place. As the vehicle was traveling on Subway, near Walnut Street, the child and the mattress were both blown off of the top of the vehicle and into the roadway.

The child was transported to a hospital in Kansas City where he underwent surgery for a head injury, the press release said.

A felony warrant was issued by the Associate Circuit Court, charging Koutz with first degree endangering the welfare of a child.

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