Council to consider code enforcement ordinance tonight

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Nevada City Council will be having the second readings during tonight's council meeting on six ordinances adding administrative search warrants to the city codes, and detailing the circumstances where it can be used.

The council will also be holding the second reading of a special ordinance setting the dates for the 2012 city council election and a primary if needed.

Other items on the agenda include the first reading of several ordinances, including: a contract with the Western Missouri 9-1-1 Board of Directors for shared MULES service; a change order for the city's contract with CDL Electric for U.S. Highway 71 and Highway K lighting improvements; an agreement to allow Jim and Ronda Hardin to continue farming land at the city's close landfill and Resolution No. 1334, approving a liquor by the drink license for Capri Bowl.

The council will also be considering bids for a secure firewall for the city's computer network and the second readings of ordinances to accept the right-of-way easements from East View Heights property owners for sewer improvements and to accept the right-of-way easements from Meadow Lane property owners for sewer improvements.

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