FBLA blood drive in Bronaugh set for Oct. 12

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Interested in doing two good deeds in one day? Well,Bronaugh High School's club Future Business Leaders of America is offering that opportunity. On Wednesday, Oct. 12, FBLA will be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive, 2-7 p.m.

Every blood donation can save up to three lives; therefore, good deed number one is to donate blood and help to save a life. In the process of donating blood, good deed number two also can be accomplished, as the Red Cross has agreed to donate towards an FBLA scholarship if 75 pints of blood are collected.

All donors will receive a free T-shirt.

Here's how to donate: Go to www.givealife.org and and enter the donor's e-mail address and date of birth. Information will automatically display for approval for those who have used the online appointment system before; otherwise, donors will fill out a form with some basic information required by the blood bank. Then, donors should click the "Continue and View Blood Drives" button and search for Bronaugh High School's sponsor code, BRONAUGHHS. Click the circle to the left of the day of the appointment (Oct. 12), on the next page, pick a time. Donors will receive an e-mail confirming your appointment.

Walk-ins are accepted, but should expect to do some waiting based upon the number of scheduled appointments.

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