Stockton woman charged with theft

Friday, October 14, 2011

Quick action by two local businessmen led to the identification and arrest of a 47-year-old Stockton woman for allegedly stealing items from Rinehart's Jewelry in Nevada, according to a press release from the Nevada Police Department.

Immediately after the theft was discovered, the store manager at Rinehart's alerted the proprietor of Cooper's Pawn Shop. The suspect was later arrested by the Missouri State Highway Patrol in rural Vernon County and the the stolen property was recovered.

The woman, Shelli Smith, was taken into custody and conveyed to the Vernon County Jail and faces one count of felony theft and one count of misdemeanor theft.

A pretrial conference scheduled for Thursday was postponed until Oct. 27, according to online court information.

For questions regarding crime prevention techniques or to start a Neighborhood Watch Program, please contact Nevada Police Officer Lukas Gibson at (417) 448 - 5100 Ext. 2122.

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