U.S. 71 Interchange north of Milo opens

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The transformation of U.S. 71 Highway to Interstate 49 came another step closer to completion when the interchange at U.S. 71 and Highway E, north of Milo, opened to traffic on Friday. Information found on the Missouri Department of Transportation's Web site, www.modot.org, indicates motorists are likely to see workers in the area of this interchange next week, when they expect to be doing such things as installing white plastic lane markers along ramps and removing the crossover on U.S. 71.

Work also continues on an interchange at U.S. 71 and DD. In this area, workers will be installing guardrail and road signs, spreading grass seed and mulch and continuing work on the interchange.

Interchanges at Compton Junction and Stotesbury opened earlier this fall.

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