Council faces long agenda tonight

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Nevada City Council is looking a lengthy agenda with at least 23 items requiring council action for tonight's meeting at 7 o'clock, in the council chambers in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St.

Among the items on the agenda is the first reading of an ordinance approving the issuing of certificates of participation to finance a new public safety building and the presentation of a Chief's Commendation to Nevada Police Sgt. Steve Bastow.

The council also will be considering an agreement to have the University of Missouri digitize the city's parcel maps for use in the city's geographic information system.

Other items on the agenda are the final approval of the city's 2012 municipal budget and the payment of $8,947 to Encompass Resolution LLC, Kansas City, for supplemental legal services in October. The services involve a record that is closed as allowed in Sections 610.021 and 610.022 of the Missouri Sunshine Law.

The council also will be considering the first reading of an ordinance to retire a $420,050 inter-fund loan between the water and sewer fund and the general fund that was made in 2004.

Other new items of business on the agenda include four ordinances amending the 2011 budget, two hay leases for city property and one lease agreement for pasture land.

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