City launches mobile app
The city has rolled out its mobile app to make it easier for residents to make reports to the city, Mark Mitchell, the city's chief information officer, told the Nevada City Council during Tuesday night's meeting.
Mitchell said four issues have been reported and three of those have already been resolved.
While this app can be used to make a variety of reports, the city is especially interested in having residents report street lights that are out.
The city has 875 street lights and the city is paying about $12,000 per month for them, whether they work or not, he said.
"We're paying for lights that are out," Mitchell said.
City manager JD Kehrman said that there is no way the city can find all of the lights that are out and he is asking the public to help by reporting non-working street lights.
Mitchell said that all smart phones have a geolocator feature and if it's activated, this feature will allow the city to tell where the app report comes from.
"Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It's up to the carrier," Mitchell said.
In addition to the geolocator feature the "app lets us interact with the reporting parties about the location," Mitchell said.
This way, the city can get additional information about the location of a bad street light.
Mitchell said most of the smart phones geolocator function has an accuracy of about 30 feet, however, they have found sometimes they may be off by a block.
In other business the council:
* Voted 5-0 to postpone consideration of the $23,000 bid from Deems Farm Equipment for a commercial grade utility tractor for the Twin Lakes Sports Complex. The city is going to check locally for a lower interest rate on the financing for the tractor.
* Voted 5-0 to accept the bid of $49,919.80 from Greens Pro, Inc. for chemicals for Twin Lakes Sports Complex.
* Voted 5-0 to accept the bid $20,035 from Flynn Drilling Company to provide a new motor, re-thread one pipe-end and re-install the components at Nevada's well No. 1. The city currently only has one well operational to supply water to the water treatment plant.
* Voted 5-0 to accept the bid of $31,898 from Ray Lindsey Co. for a hydraulic system center which will better control the wastewater treatment plants UV disinfectant lamps. This system will allow the two channels to be operated either independently or at the same time. It will result in an electricity saving and will extend the life of the UV bulbs.
* Voted 5-0 to approve the purchase of a 2000 model Dodge pickup from the Missouri State Highway Patrol for $6,500 to replace the facility maintenance service truck.
* Voted 5-0 to postpone consideration of a special ordinance approving a $23,000 lease-purchase agreement with John Deere Credit for a utility tractor for the golf course. The city will check locally for a lower interest rate.
* Voted 5-0 to approve on first reading a lease agreement with Young Iron and Metal for a 30 foot gooseneck trailer used for metal recycling. The trailer was purchased with a grant from the Region M Solid Waste District.
* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance adding the new city treasurer name to all city financial accounts.
* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving the repayment of a $90,000 loan from the city's Neighborhood Improvement District fund to the general fund to cover a shortfall in 2005. The loan should have been repaid in the first quarter of 2006, but it was not done.
* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving and adopting a tax-exempt financing compliance policy and procedure. This was drafted and recommended by the city's bond counsel to lessen the chances of an audit.
* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving change order No. 2 from CDL Electric for the Highway 71 and Highway K intersection lighting project. This change order reduces the total cost of the project by $16, 056.55 from the original price of $182,794.20.
This savings will be shared by the city and MoDOT on a 20-80 basis. MoDOT provided 80 percent of the money for this lighting project.
* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a general ordinance approving an amendment to Chapter 12 of the city code to eliminate the requirement for key boxes on all commercial after they are significantly remodeled. City Manager JD Kehrman said that they had a number of complaints from business owners who felt that since it does not endanger lives, it was business decision. The Fire Department will continue to recommend the installation of the key boxes, but it will no longer be required.
* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving a design-build agreement with Erwin Construction for a combination concession stand-restroom building at Twin Lakes Sports Complex. The total estimated cost of the structure will be $92,961 divided into two phases. Phase 1 will be the design phase for a cost of $5,000, and Phase 2 is the construction phase for a cost of $87,961. The facility is scheduled for completion July 9.
* Voted 4-0, with Seth Barrett abstaining because of a conflict of interest, to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving a $60,628 lease-purchase finance agreement with Heritage State Bank for a new John Deere 310J backhoe. The cost of the backhoe is $68,628, with the dealer giving the city $8,000 in trade for the city's old backhoe. The interest rate is 2.9 percent for a 60-month lease with a annual payment of 13,200.63. The first payment will be due in 2013.
* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving a lease agreement with Lamar Advertising for two billboards located north and south of Nevada on the future I-49 corridor for a cost of $4,550 annually, plus a one-time set up fee of $1,520.