Parks board, Elks cooperative agreement sent to council

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Nevada Parks Board and the Nevada Elks Lodge are getting closer to a joint project to turn Davis Park on Centennial Boulevard into a military themed park.

During their Wednesday night meeting the parks board signed a memorandum of understanding with the Nevada Elks Lodge to set out the operating rules for the project. The agreement will be considered by the city council during their March 6 meeting.

Shirley Ann Bastow, who is on the sub-committee the parks board set up to work with the Elks Lodge, told the parks board the sub-committee met on Tuesday night and discussed the installation of the large garrison flag the Elks Lodge plans to have erected on a tall flagpole that will be visible from U.S. Highway 71.

Bastow said State Representative Barney Fisher has acquired flags from each of the five branches of the military and will donate them to the project.

"We want to put the five flags around the large garrison flag," she said.

Bastow said that Lance Christi, who is also on the sub committee, has been investigating getting some kind of military equipment for the park.

"It could cost between $15,000 and $20,000 to get a howitzer for the park," she said.

In addition to the flags and the military equipment, the plans are to move the caboose from its current Earp Park location to Davis Park.

Bastow said that Warren Schooley has checked and found a company that can move the caboose for $8,600.

The caboose, which was originally placed in Earp Park in the 1970s for use as a visitor center, is in need of some work to preserve it and when it is moved it will need to have a concrete pad on which to rest the wheels, instead of just a gravel bed like it has now.

Bastow said it was never used for a visitor's center because of its lack of handicap accessibility.

"We (the Elks and parks board) will have to work separately, but together. But it should end up looking like one park," Bastow said.

Dana Redburn, parks and recreation director, told the parks board that the parks department will be removing about 60 tree stumps from the North Campus, Marmaduke, Walton and Radio Springs parks this year and them replacing the trees.

The city plans to hire someone to come in and grind up the tree stumps and then use the wood chips as mulch in the parks.

She said that a forester from the Missouri Department of Conserva-tion has offered to help them select appropriate trees.

The board also voted 4-1 to appoint a sub-committee of Jeff Post, a city council member and two members of WAGS and Lisa Miller to discuss establishing a dog park in Nevada. Karen Polon voted no, saying that since there was no funding currently available for this project, she did not want to waste people's time.

"Once you get the community involved you never know where funding will come from," Post said.

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