CCPA Youth Showcase registration continues

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Community Council on the Performing Arts is now accepting entrants in the Second Annual Youth Showcase, an "America's Got Talent"-style show for area school-aged kids and young adults sponsored in-part by Nevada Regional Medical Center.

Entrants may include individual, team or ensemble acts, and may be vocal, instrumental, dance, comedy, poetry reading, skit, dramatic interpretation, gymnastics, and so on.

Participants must provide music such as a CD or accompanist, for vocal entries, or background music as applicable.

Show dates are Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 22-24, at 7 p.m.; and Sunday, March 25. at 2 p.m., at the Fox Playhouse, 110 S. Main, Nevada. Each show will feature approximately 20 acts. Participants may choose to be in only one show or as many as desired. Multiple entries per individual or group are welcome as openings allow.

Registrations will be accepted through Thursday, March 8, or until all openings are filled. Registration forms may be obtained by e-mailing CCPA at or from the link at

For more information, contact: Allison Fast by e-mail at, or by phone at (417) 667-3372 or (417) 448-9607.

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