An early dose of St. Patrick's Day

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Contributors to the yearly Muscular Dystrophy Association fund drive today will get an early dose of St. Patrick's Day.

It's all part of a friendly competition between the Pump 'N Pete's stores in the region.

From noon-2 p.m. today at the Pump 'N Pete's 1920 S. Main St., Fort Scott, location leprechauns will pump gas and wash windows for customers, provided they donate at least $1 for each service.

Manager Rachel Pearson said the store is hoping to raise $3,000 for MDA. Last year, the outlet collected $2,506, she said. Pete's employee Liz Shadden and her two children will do the honors.

On St. Patrick's Day itself, Larry Sinclair, who works at the Pete's at 603 S. National Ave., will dress in a kilt and pump gas to entice people to donate to MDA. A store employee said he would be doing this from noon-2:30 p.m. March 17.

Shamrocks Against Dystrophy, the nation's largest charitable campaign associated with St. Patrick's Day, supports MDA's programs of worldwide research, life-enhancing services and vital education, the MDA website said.

MDA funds nearly 400 research projects, maintains 225 hospital-affiliated MDA clinics, offers summer camps for youngsters with neuromuscular diseases, and assists with purchase of wheelchairs, leg braces and communication devices, the site said.

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