Nevada R-5 candidates share views

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mike McCaffree

Mike MCCaffree is seeking re-election to the Nevada R-5 Board of Education.


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Do you have any children in the Nevada R-5 School District and if so how many?

I have three daughters currently enrolled in the Nevada school system and one starting kindergarten next fall. My oldest daughter Shelby is a senior and graduates in May. My other two girls currently enrolled are in middle school and at Truman.

Why do you want to be on the school board?

I want to work with the board to ensure that our kids are getting the best education possible. I also want to see that we maintain and upgrade our current facilities and promote the continued improvement of the athletic teams.

The bond issue for a new performing arts center, multi-purpose building, repairs to Wynn Gym and updating the district's infrastructure is also on the April 3 ballot. Are you in favor of the project and why are you for it or against it?

I am strongly in favor of passing the bond issue. If passed the bond issue will help provide new facilities (performing arts center and multi-purpose building) and much needed improvements to existing facilities and without a tax increase.

Is there any one thing you would like to see changed about the R-5 School District?

I don't think this is specific to Nevada R-5 but our mindset nationwide has shifted to the point where many believe that kid's educational success lies only in the hands of teachers. Teachers have got to be accountable but are only one piece of the puzzle. Everyone needs to be part of the solution in improving public education -- board members, students, parents, teachers and the community.

What do you think is the best thing about the Nevada school district?

I think we are all in this for the same reason -- trying to do what is best for kids.

The worst?

Parents that do not care about their children's academic success.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I went kindergarten through 12th in Nevada and graduated in 1987. I have spent the past three years as a member of the Nevada Board of Education and have learned a lot while serving in this capacity. I would like to serve another term to do my part to help the district.

Denise Carrick Hedges

Denise Carrick Hedges is seeking election to the Nevada R-5 Board of Education


I am the director of the Center for Women's Leadership at Cottey College. In this role, I work with first- and second-year students in the leadership program helping them to develop their leadership skills to be effective citizens in their communities. I also work with the Cottey-Nevada Presidential Leadership Program for selected junior and senior girls from Nevada High School.

Do you have any children in the Nevada R-5 School District and if so, how many?

Mark and I have three children. My stepdaughter, Madison Hedges, is a freshman at Nevada High School. Our twin 5-year-olds, Reese and Rylan, are in kindergarten at Bryan Elementary.

Why do you want to be on the school board?

Educating students in our school system is a team effort. The future of our schools is most definitely a team effort. From the teachers, administrators, staff, school board, community members, and parents, we all need to work together to provide a quality education for the young people in our community.

Over the past eight years, I have experienced the Nevada R-5 school system as Madison has progressed through the grades. With our twins starting school this year, I want Nevada schools to be the best educational experience, not only for them, but for all children in our schools.

The bond issue for a new performing arts center, multi-purpose building, repairs to Wynn Gym and updating the district's infrastructure is also on the April 3 ballot. Are you in favor of the project and why are you for it or against it?

I do support the bond issue. I don't think anyone can argue that updates to the technology infrastructure are a need, and will continue to be a need, as long as technology continues to change. The same is true for our facilities.

As our school buildings age, it is our job to maintain and improve them to meet the needs of our students. It's an investment in our students and an investment in our community.

Is there any one thing you would like to see changed about the R-5 School District?

There isn't one thing I would change. But, the Nevada R-5 School District, along with all other school districts in the country, will have to adapt and change as the needs of our students change, as technology changes, as our world changes.

What do you think is the best thing about the Nevada School District?

Most definitely, the people are the best thing about the school district. The teachers, the administration, and the staff really care about the students. They are the backbone of a good education system.

The worst?

Across the nation, increased budget cuts continue to plague our schools. It seems that the Nevada R-5 has managed these cuts well, but I know valuable programs have been put on hold or discontinued and that does affect our students.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I believe student learning and success is the No. 1 goal for the district. I want to make sure the students in the Nevada R-5 schools are prepared to make it to the next level, whether that be college, full-time employment, military, or whatever their goals may be.

Tim Moore

Tim Moore is seeking election to the Nevada R-5 Board of Education.


I currently work for Wilkinson Pharmacy Inc. I have been employed with Wilkinson Pharmacy 19 years. I will celebrate my 20-year anniversary with the company this August. I am currently the regional manager, with duties that include oversight of operations for all eight retail stores, with an emphasis on the home medical equipment, over- the-counter/gifts, and hearing divisions.

Do you have any children in the Nevada R-5 School District and if so, how many?

My wife, Tracye, and I have three children in the Nevada R-5 school district. Tayelor, our only daughter, is a senior this year, and is preparing for a career in early childhood education next fall. Trentyn is a freshman at Nevada High School and is on the football and baseball teams. Tayte is in sixth grade at the Nevada Middle School and is active in football, basketball, baseball, among other interests.

The bond issue for a new performing arts center, multi-purpose building, repairs to Wynn Gym and updating the district's infrastructure is also on the April 3 ballot. Are you in favor of the project and why are you for it or against it?

With the knowledge that I have of the upcoming bond issue, I would support it with my vote. The primary reason is that it would not be an increase to the taxpayers and would allow for repairs that are needed, along with updating our facilities to bring us more in line with other schools in the area. I would like to see if there would be a way to earmark some of the money to some of the education programs that are currently not funded, or under funded, such as special education. I have talked to some in the community and the need is great, but lacking in some areas at the school level. As a whole, however, I am in support of the bond issue as it stands today.

Is there any one thing you would like to see changed about the R-5 School District?

As I mentioned in the previous answer, the only thing that I would like to see changed, is ensure that each of our education levels is looked at and given the attention they need from a funding standpoint. I do understand that we have some funds for some of the special needs education, but I feel that we need to ensure that if we have a child in the district that has a need, we need to ensure that we are able to meet that need, even if it means we have to compromise in another area.

What do you think is the best thing about the Nevada school district?

The Nevada R-5 district has done well over the last several years to position itself in a way that we are looked at as a district that is forward thinking, and can be held to high standards. We have a faculty that is outstanding and goes above and beyond to provide quality education for the district's student body. I think our staff is what sets us apart from other schools.

The worst?

I don't know that I have an area that I would say is the worst. There is always room for improvement in any area, and we need to continue to hold ourselves to a higher standard, and change where needed to ensure that we are moving forward.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would very much appreciate the opportunity to become a member of the Nevada R-5 School Board. I think my tenure on the Nevada City Council, one year as mayor, and my tenure on the Nevada Chamber of Commerce board, one year as president, show that I am willing to work for the community, and that I am able to help in a capacity such as school board member. I enjoyed my time on both the chamber and city council, and I have a passion to be involved and help in all areas of the community.

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