Middle school track teams fare well at CJ

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nevada Daily Mail

CARL JUNCTION -- The Nevada Middle School track team competed at Carl Junction on Tuesday. Nevada seventh grader Megan Hold set a new school record in the triple jump with a leap of 30'1".

Seventh grade girls (third place)

Triple -- Hold, first, 30-1; Chloe Bartlett, second, 28-6.

Long jump -- Hold, first, 14-1; Bartlett, second, 13-10.

100 -- Bartlett, first, 14.15; Carolyne Baldwin, fourth.

800 relay (Scism, Baldwin, Ellis, Jeans) first, 2:10.

400 relay (Bartlett, Hold, Ellis, Baldwin) first, 58.54.

400 -- Margaret Cavener, fourth, 1:14.

200 -- Hold, first, 29.4.

1600 relay (Webb, Cavener, Rodriquez, Ellis) sixth.

Eighth grade girls (second place)

Triple jump -- Reagan Bradley, second, 30-3; Mindy Hendren, fourth, 28-3.

Long jump -- Hendren, second, 14-2.

75 H -- Alexis Overton, fourth, 14.4; Maddie Culbertson, sixth, 14.7.

100 -- Bradley, first, 13.45; Carsten Warner, fourth.

800 relay (Hendren, Prewitt, Farmer, Smith) first, 2:05.

1600 -- Hannah Miller, sixth, 7:06.

400 relay -- (Warner, Hendren, Prewitt, Bradley) first.

400 -- Warner, fourth, 1:09.

200 -- Bradley, second, 27.53.

Seventh grade boys (second)

HJ -- Mathew Sommer, second, 5-0; Tom Prewitt, fifth.

PV -- Tyler Seaver, fourth, 6-6.

TJ -- Nathan McCall, third, 29-11; Sommer, fourth.

LJ -- McCall, third, 14-8; Isai Aguilar, fourth, 14-3.

Shot -- Robert Bures, fifth, 28-6.5.

Discus -- Bures, sixth, 68-1.

100 -- Sommer, second, 12.86.

800 relay (Prewitt, Aguilar, Seaver, Smith) second.

400 relay (Sommer, McCall, Smith, Prewitt) first, 54.2.

200 -- McCall, fourth, 28.15.

1600 relay (Klotz, Aguilar, Hammontree, Prewitt) sixth.

Eighth grade boys (first place)

HJ -- Conner West, first, 5-6; Andrew Heathman, fifth.

PV -- Colten Thomas, first, 8-6; Colten McDowell, third.

TJ -- West, second, 37-3; Heathman, third, 36-5.

LJ -- Chaden Brandt, first, 17-7; West, second, 17-5.

Shot -- Trevor Householder, fourth, 33-7.5.

100 H -- Heathman, second, 15.62.

100 -- Brandt, first, 12.2; Tristan Shepard, fourth.

800 relay (Brandt, Shepard, Smith, Leftwich) first

400 relay (Brandt, Shepard, West, Heathman) first.

400 -- Logan Brewer, sixth, 1:03.

200 --Cooper Smith, fourth, 27.33.

1600 relay (Creasy, Swink, Cullison, Brewer) sixth.

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