Hunter Gene Fritts
Andrew and Stephanie Fritts of Nevada, Mo., and older brothers, Cayden and Cayson, are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Hunter Gene Fritts.
Hunter was born at 7:29 p.m., Tuesday, April 10, 2012, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and measured 21 inches.
Maternal grandparents are Evelyn Deann Didler of Springfield, Mo., and Steven Bailey of Peculiar, Mo. Maternal great-grandparents are Joe and Sandy Bailey of Osceola, Mo., and Marilyn Gustofson of Peculiar, Mo. Maternal great-great-grandparents are William and Rosie Bailey of Osceola, Mo.
Paternal grandparents are Larry Fritts of Nevada and Suzanne Fritts of Nevada. Paternal great-grandparents are Louis Saunier of Linn, Mo., and Florence Fritts of Nevada.