Tickets March 24-April 4
March 24
Ashley N. Jenkins, Nevada, no license plates.
Lawrence P. Murray, Chelsea, Okla., speeding 41/30.
Jeremiah Radspinner, Nevada, expired license plate, driving while revoked.
Timothy L. Snodgrass, El Dorado Springs, Mo., speeding 42/30, expired license plate.
Christopher J. Wynn, Lamar, Mo., speeding 46/30.
March 25
Danielle R. Bemis, Walker, Mo., failure to register vehicle, no proof of insurance.
Travis A. Goodwin, Sheldon, Mo., speeding 40/30.
Paul E. James, Pittsburg, Kan., speeding 41/30.
Max C. Warren, El Dorado Springs, Mo., speeding 40/30.
March 26
Samantha K. Davis, Nevada, expired license plate.
Jodi L. Murphy, Dexter, Mo., speeding 52/30.
David A. Wickell, Nevada, no proof of insurance.
March 27
Steven D. Doucet, Fort Scott, Kan., speeding 30/15.
Brian W. Mart, Nevada, driving while suspended.
Jolene K. Shields, Yates Center, Kan., speeding 41/30.
Jacob D. Wehmeyer, Nevada, failure to register vehicle, no proof of insurance.
Edwin L. Williams Jr., Johnson City, Tenn., speeding 44/30.
March 28
Angela A. McCale, Nevada, no license plates.
Amber S. Thomas, El Dorado Springs, Mo., expired license plate.
March 29
Todd M. Gower, Mount Vernon, Mo., no proof of insurance.
Joseph Fahnestock, Nevada, driving while suspended.
Sarah N. Gumm, Rich Hill, Mo., expired license plate, no proof of insurance.
Douglas W. Harth, Richards, Mo., expired license plate.
James E. Hutchison, Schell City, Mo., expired license plate.
March 30
Kaylyn B. Biggs, Nevada, driving while suspended.
Chance A. Hill, Richards, Mo., speeding 32/15.
April D. Jacobs, Nevada, no proof of insurance.
Kathleen G. Rhodes, Nevada, speeding 27/15.
Scott F. Vanskike, Nevada, expired license plate.
March 31
William A. Newton, Nevada, no license plates, no proof of insurance.
Quentin L. Otter, Nevada, failure to register vehicle, no proof of insurance.
April 1
David E. Mealman, Nevada, no proof of insurance, driving while suspended.
April 2
Christopher T. Lewis, Nevada, expired license plate.
Lawrence R. Shouse, Nevada, driving while suspended, failure to maintain lane.
Lannce A. Whaley, Harwood, Mo., trespassing.
April 3
Harold G. Hunt Jr., Nevada, speeding 26/15, no valid operator's license.
April 4
Rossington J. Hopkins, Moundville, Mo., expired license plate.
Myra J. Foster, Nevada, speeding 30/15.