Tinley Nicole Gash
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Bradley and Ashley Gash, and Peyton and Melanah, Nevada, Mo., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and sister, Tinley Nicole Gash.
Tinley was born as 12:23 p.m., April 17, 2012, at Mercy Hospital in Fort Scott, Kan. She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measured 20 inches.
Maternal grandparents are Lynn and Pamela Allen, Butler, Mo. Maternal great-grandparents are Bill and Rosemary Eldred, Butler, Mo. Maternal great-great-grandparent is Elaine Eldred, Golden City, Mo.
Paternal grandparents are Randy Gash of Sheldon, Mo; and Ron and Teresa Brewer, Nevada, Mo. Paternal great grandparents are Minnie Gash, Moundville, Mo.; and Robert and Connie Palmer, Nevada.