Nevada students do well at DECA conference

Nine members of the Nevada Regional Technical Center's DECA chapter recently returned from the 66th Annual International Career Development Conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 28-May 2.
Bringing home first place in the Financial Literacy Promotion Project was the team of Alexa Cubbage, Taylor Norcross and Dominic Puller. The purpose of their project was to plan, organize and implement a campaign to educate chapter members and the general public about the importance of financial literacy. Their theme was "Time is Money: Financial Skills for Life." They created a comprehensive plan to educate students in grades K-12 in the Nevada R-5 School District and the community about financial literacy. It included writing a 30-page written report and delivering a 15-minute presentation.
Also recognized was Bailey Harbit, in the Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series event. Harbit received a "Certificate of Excellence" for placing in the top 30 percent of her event. She took a 100-question comprehensive written marketing exam and participated in two role plays.
Additional competitors included: Hali Durnell and Megan Harper; Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Event (partnering with Nevada business Interior Motives). Devin Miller, Myra Ornelas and Morgan Turner; Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Event (partnering with Nevada business Jenny's California Café).
The Operations Research Events required developing a plan to enhance or introduce a customer loyalty program for an existing business. Each team conducted market research, wrote a 30-page promotional plan and developed a 15-minute presentation.
Students were accompanied on their trip by Martha Cubbage, NRTC marketing instructor and DECA advisor, and Steve Cubbage, Nevada R-5 school board member and chaperone.
DECA conferences are targeted, highly-focused learning experiences for students and advisors. DECA conferences bring members into the larger DECA community while providing unique opportunities to extend classroom learning. Each of DECA's conferences connects with corporate professionals to engage students in learning industry-related trends and content.
The International Career Development Conference was attended by more than 15,000 high school students, advisors, business representatives and alumni. DECA's competitive events provide a vehicle for members to demonstrate national curriculum standards through individual or team activities. DECA students use analysis, creative problem solving and presentation skills to show what they've learned in the marketing/business curriculum and through local chapter projects.
DECA, an international association of high school marketing students, prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Missouri DECA has 178 local chapters and is ranked sixth in membership with more than 9,100 members statewide.