Ryan Masters - Glenda Roberts

Announcement is made of the engagement and forthcoming marriage of Glenda Roberts and Ryan Masters. A June 8, 2012, wedding is planned in Coquina Beach, Nags Head, N.C. A reception is planned on July 21 in the home of the groom's mother.
Ryan is the son of Lynn Nims and Bill Nims, both of Milo, Mo. Glenda is the daughter of Katherine Roberts, and Tempie and Glenn Roberts, all of Chesapeake, Va.
Glenda graduated from Deep Creek High School, Chesapeake, in 1999, James Madison University with a Bachelor of Arts in 2004, and Regis University with a Masters in 2010. She is employed by the city of Lakewood as a resource development specialist.
Ryan graduated from Nevada High school in 1998, and Missouri University of Science and Technology with a Bachelor of Science in 2003. He is employed by Great West Life and Annuity Insurance Company as a system administrator.