Fire gear tops city's agenda tonight

Monday, June 4, 2012

By Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

Replacing old firefighting turnout gear will top the Nevada City Council's agenda when they meet at 7 p.m. in the council chambers in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St. The council will be considering bids for six sets of equipment that were purchased in 2003 and 2004.

Other items on the council's agenda are the final reading of ordinances approving an agreement with Crockett Construction to repair a damaged sewer line and an ordinance approving the execution of a master agreement with Williams, Sprugeon, Kuhl & Freshnock Architects and approving an agreement for them to conduct a needs assessment, site analysis and schedule for a new public safety building.

The council will also be considering the first reading of an agreement with the Nevada Housing Authority for additional police services at the Fairgrounds Estates and Chapman Estates and Resolution No. 1346 supporting House Bill No. 1329 which restores sales tax collection on out-of-state motor vehicle purchases.

They will also be considering five general ordinances to update the city's personnel code.

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