Breckenridge named Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellow

Friday, June 8, 2012
Fellow Rotarians, family members and friends join Nevada, Mo. Municipal Judge Bryan Breckenridge for a photograph after Breckenridge received the Rotary Club's Paul Harris Fellow Award for 2012 during a meeting held at the Nevada Country Club on Friday, June 1, 2012. Breckenridge was honored for his monetary contributions totaling $1,000 or more as well as his exemplary service to the Nevada Rotary Club and the community of Nevada. Several guest speakers had fun with Breckenridge but also commented on his "integrity, professionalism and honesty." The final speaker, Circuit Court Judge James R. Bickel called his friend "a true leader; an assett to the local legal community." Left to right: Last year's Paul Harris honoree Bob Vinyard, Cindy Louderback, Judge Bryan Breckenridge, his wife; Missouri Supreme Court Judge Patricia Breckenridge, Janet Bley and Helen and George Washburn.

Municipal Judge Bryan Breckenridge,received the Nevada Rotary Club's Paul Harris Fellow Award June 1, during a luncheon at the Nevada Country Club.

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