Commission votes to close road

Friday, July 6, 2012

Nevada Daily Mail

On Tuesday, the Vernon County Commission voted to permanently vacate a section of road that has "ceased to be of any public use." The closed road was part of Yater Road and is one mile north of Sheldon. The closed section runs to the east from U.S. 71 Highway and ends just west of 1925 Road.

The commissioners made their vote after a third and final reading of a petition signed by 12 members of the Drywood Township. Notice of the proposed closure was posted in several public areas and when there was no protest at the final reading, Northern Commissioner Neal Gerster made a motion to close the road. Presiding Commissioner Bonnie McCord seconded the motion and both made their vote for closure. Southern Commissioner Kennon Shaw was absent.

The road isn't really a good road anymore, said commissioners; but now it's officially closed. According to Gerster, the road only provides access to land owner's fields; now that it is closed, it can be gated and locked.

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