Sheriff's Reports July 19-July 24
July 19
Timothy McCullick was arrested for theft by shoplifting. Bond is $1,000.
Norma Brundridge was arrested for tampering with a motor vehicle. Bond is $2,500.
Tammy Kronk was arrested for probation violation. No bond.
Evan Cox was arrested for theft. Bond is $2,500.
Carol Berryhill was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $500.
Ada Pawloski was arrested for D.W.I.-alcohol and endangering the welfare of a child. Bond is $1,000.
Linda Anderson was released on bond.
Norma Brundridge was released on $2,500 bond.
Noah Colopy was released to the United States Army.
Kelli Manley was released for time served.
Timothy McCullick was released on $1,000 bond.
Ginger McMasters was released to New Beginnings.
Darrell Sander was released on $5,000 bond.
Ashley Shreve was released for time served.
Carol Berryhill was released on $500 bond.
July 20
Allen Frock was arrested for D.W.I- chronic offender. Bond is $25,000.
Robin Frakes was arrested for third-degree assault. Bond is $5,000.
William Taylor was arrested for D.W.I-alcohol, persistant offender and resisting/interfering with arrest for a felony. Bond is $5,000.
Allen Frock was released on $5,000 bond.
Vanessa Radford was released. Warrant was recalled.
Jordan Stewart was released to Bourbon County.
David Terry was released on $1,500 bond.
Jeramie West was released on $5,000 bond.
Evan Cox was released on $2,500 bond.
Trevor Reese was released for time served.
Robin Frakes was released on $5,000 bond.
July 21
Ada Pawloski was released on $1,000 bond.
July 22
Jon Ledbetter was arrested for D.W.I.-alcohol. Bond is $350.
Dominick Pogue was arrested for failure to appear. No bond.
Zackory Gilman was arrested for first-degree trespassing. Bond is $1,500.
Elizabeth Espinosa was released to Greene County.
David Hamilton was released on $400 bond.
Jon Ledbetter was released on $350 bond.
July 23
Jennifer Banta was arrested for possession of a controlled substance-meth, and unlawful use of drug paraphernalia. Bond is $27,500.
Samantha Clark was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $677.
Larry Lewellin was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $1,434.65.
Michael Fozzard was arrested for third-degree domestic assault. Bond is $5,000.
Justin Harrelson was arrested for second-degree burglary and theft. Bond is $10,000.
Amy Harper was arrested for failure to appear. No bond.
Douglas Derry was arrested for non-support. Bond is $5,000.
Jacob Brown was released to Greene County.
Jimmy Crews was released on bond.
Douglas Derry was released on $5,000 bond.
Justin Harrelson was released on $10,000 bond.
Michael Fozzard was released on $5,000 bond.
July 24
Heather Gordon was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $210.
Joshua Pace was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $500.
Preston Hornsby was arrested for failure to appear. Bond is $605.
Zackory Gilman was arrested for first-degree trespassing. Bond is $1,000.
Jeanne Strickland was arrested for trespassing-private property. Bond is $125.
Michael Fozzard was arrested for third-degree domestic assault. Bond is $5,000.
Zackory Gilman was released on bond.
Jennifer Banta was released for time served.