National Night Out set for tonight at Walton Aquatic Center
Nevada Daily Mail
The Nevada Police Department and the Nevada Parks and Recreation Department are hosting National Night Out, 7-9 p.m., today, at Walton Aquatic Center, Nevada.
Pool admission will be free for the event, and Kansas City Power and Light employees and police will be preparing free hot dogs for the crowd. Booths also will be set up, featuring a variety of activities, games, giveaways and free information.
Many local community agencies and law enforcement groups are participating in this year's event. Police, ambulance, fire and other emergency vehicles will be on display.
The 29th annual National Night Out celebration is expected to involve more than 38 million people in approximately 15,000 communities across the United States. National Night Out is designed to increase crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support and participation in anti-crime efforts, strengthen neighborhood spirit and let criminals know that citizens in their neighborhoods are fighting back.