Performance artist to appear at Cottey

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Richard Height with one of his creations. Height will perform his unique style of painting choreographed to music, in the auditorium at the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts, at 8 p.m., Saturday.

Nevada Daily Mail

Performance artist Richard Height will bring his show to Cottey College's Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts auditorium at 8 p.m., Saturday.

"Some would think that art, painting in particular, is a static experience," a Cottey spokeswoman said. "Richard will change your mind when he takes the stage.

"It all happens within minutes, at times with broad strokes and at others with intense detail. Vibrant color is set on eight-foot canvasses, choreographed to specially selected pieces of music playing in the background.

"This performance will bring art, music and people together. There are some events that you attend, but this is one you experience."

Tickets for the unique performance are available for $8 for adults and $6 for people under age 18 and over 62 at the Cottey College ticket office at (417) 667-8181, ext. 2186. Tickets will also be sold at the door.

The Cottey spokeswoman said the Missouri Arts Council provided financial assistance for the artist to perform here.

Height's booking agency in Snohomish, Wash., said he "is a nationally recognized artist and speaker who uses the fine arts to help his audiences create strategies for change by turning good ideas into great results.

"Richard is on a mission to help students see the possibility in their potential and create new opportunities," said a spokesman for Academic Entertainment. "Addressing thousands every year, his presentations influence his audiences to use their imagination to discover their originality and celebrate their differences. As a masterful storyteller with a down-to-earth Oklahoma warmth and a humorous style, he always connects with his audiences."

The agent said Height "begins with the dramatic and exciting creation of a stunning illustration on an 8-foot canvas.

"Audiences are wowed by the combination of powerful illustration, spoken word and music that transpire in a matter of moments. The artwork Richard creates then provides the foundation for his keynote presentation and discussion.

"At the end, the school keeps the impressive creation to display and act as a reminder of the positive, empowering messages that students learned."

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