Joyful moments
Everyone needs to have some moments to remember that are especially meaningful. I certainly have had my share in recent days. I have been able to experience love and concern in a very tangible way through acts of kindness and support. The best part of it all is that I could feel love through all the events that happened.
First, our Ellis Domestic Science Club celebrated its 97th anniversary with the traditional Treat Day. Each year the losing members of the attendance contest treats the winners to some secret, often day-long, treat experience. This year we went east of Butler to the Poplar Heights Farm. I will probably write a column about that farm very soon, but I wanted to talk today about the love and concern that the club members showed for each other as we toured this farm on a 93 degree hot day. Some of us are a little older than the others, but we were not kept from enjoying the day and were able to have an experience that we probably would not have undertaken on our own. But the one thing wrong with the day was that the antique things that have been restored and returned to the beautiful old house are very much like the things that we grew up with. How does that date us?
Next, our church's Basement Sale that was held last Friday and Saturday was a big success, and we were able to donate nearly $2,000 to the local Habitat for Humanity work. The church women who had been working all week to get ready for the sale, the people who donated things to sell and the customers who came to buy were all part of a loving effort to keep this valuable housing program prospering. Marge Holznagel, who was in charge of the sale, was thrilled that the sale beat all records for this annual event.
Then this same busy lady, with her good friend, Marjorie Cooke, that very afternoon hosted a baby shower for our great-granddaughter, Marilyn Anderson. Friends from the church, and our neighborhood joined with some of our family members and school friends to create a memory for this young mother and her family that will never be forgotten.
Sitting in a room crowded with people who share an interest in this new family made me realize again the value of friendships and the power that love and concern have for shaping our lives. I was not the one receiving the gifts, but each one touched my heart and by the time the afternoon was over, the tears were hard to hold back.
The gifts were certainly needed and will be used with appreciation. But as each card was read and I thought of the giver I knew that it was only a symbol of a life-time of interest and support. I could remember an unexpected thank you card received for a small part in a church program. Hours spent in tutoring, coaching, conversation, teaching and loving were recalled with each item received. The patience of a relative during a wardrobe problem, concern of transportation, or needs for a home away from home during an emergency were all replayed in my memory as the pink paper was carefully unwrapped.
How lucky Marilyn is to have these wonderful people in her life. But she is not nearly as lucky as Lester and I are to share these same friendships. My memory bank of pleasant times is getting filled each day. However it will never overflow. I am hanging on to each precious one. And I am sure there will be many more to come.