Veterans Day celebration plans take shape
Nevada Daily Mail
Plans for the second annual Veterans Day parade and celebration in Nevada are solidifying, and the salute to veterans will include several events, ranging from new features to long-standing community traditions.
Taking place this year on Nov. 12, because the traditional Veterans Day, Nov. 11, falls on a Sunday, the community's tribute to veterans begins at 11 a.m., with the Nevada High School Veterans Day assembly, a long-standing tradition at the high school. Students will be selling flags at the assembly and at the parade, with proceeds going to support both the Veterans Day parade and local veterans' organizations.
A free luncheon, for veterans and their families, will be hosted by the Nevada Elks Lodge, 12:30-2 p.m.
New this year is a gathering for veterans that follows the Elks luncheon, at the Vernon County Senior Center, inside the Neal Center at 301 N. Main, Nevada.
"The senior center will be giving the veterans a comfortable place where they can sit down and wait," between activities, as well as make a video if they choose to do so, said Frank Arnold, who's coordinating the event.
In this gathering, slated for 2-4:30 p.m. and dubbed, "We Answered the Call," veterans are encouraged to share their stories through a video recording, for future generations. Veterans also may bring and share memorabilia in the center's hospitality room.
At 5 p.m., the Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce parade and memorial ceremony, featuring World War II veterans as the grand marshals, will take place on the Square.
At 6:30 p.m., the VFW Post 2175, just of U.S. 54 west of Nevada, will host a free dinner for all veterans and their families.
Registration continues for the parade, which Arnold hopes will be even bigger and better than last year.
Last year's event took place on a sunny, mild but windy day in Nevada, and the turnout of both participating veterans and spectators was impressive, but "We hope it'll be even bigger" this year, Arnold said.
All veterans are encouraged to join the parade and the chamber is providing four dedicated floats on which veterans may ride -- for veterans of World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and veterans of the war on terror. Those who wish to ride on one of the dedicated floats should notify the chamber of their name, branch of service and an e-mail address or phone number at which they may be contacted. Resources also are available to assist veterans with special needs or mobility issues, to enable them to participate. Arnold noted that forms are available on the chamber's Web site,, at the chamber's offices at 225 W. Austin; or by contacting Frank or Pat Arnold.
Veterans also may register on the day of the parade. Registration will begin at 3:30 p.m., just outside the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center, 200 N. Ash, Nevada. All participants will meet on the east side of the community center prior to the parade.
Veterans also may choose to participate in the parade via their own entry. Arnold said the chamber has already received about 20 float applications from local individuals and organizations as well.
For more information, call the chamber's executive director, Gina Ensor, at (417) 667-5300 or Frank Arnold at (417) 448-7981 or (417) 667-4139; or send an e-mail to